Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This is a Lifestyle Change... not just a Diet.

The "Primal" diet is definitely not for everyone. If you were eating the typical American beforehand, it takes a huge commitment because you are going to have to make big changes. Let's be honest here, most Americans are scared to death to give up grains. In many cases when I tell people that's what I did, they shut off from that point on. They are NOT interested.

At first, even I did not want to try this diet. When Aaron first told me about it in July, I pretty much told him that there was no way. He wanted to try it and I agreed to cook food for him that was Primal friendly but I didn't look anything up... no recipes. I figured he just could eat the meats and veggies while I ate the rice, bread, pasta, etc. A couple weeks later, he made the comment that "You are making me fail." I didn't tell Mark this part but that comment actually really ticked me off. After I calmed down, I figured that I would never be the reason to why he failed at anything. I won't let him use that excuse. So, right after the hurricane blew out, I spent $24 in recipe books and researched for days. I figured out the general idea and went from there... and never went back.

A friend on Facebook made the comment recently, that she thinks that Weight Watchers is the best diet because she can eat normally. I love this person, I am not trying to get on her case or anything but, this comment made me think. I had a vision of all the packaged foods and tv dinners that I ate while I was on WW.  The counting and measuring... was that normal? It was to me then but it's not to me now, not at all.

This diet is a lifestyle change. It will change the way you think about food. It does take time to figure this all out. I learned all that I could during nap times so I did at least have that luxury. I am going to attempt to help out as much as I can through this blog by sharing what I have found. We are in noway the perfect Primal models, I am always open for new ideas and suggestions. Aaron and I simply try our best. I am hoping that it will be enough! Luckily this is where the 80 20 rule comes it to play. Try to follow the diet, 80% of the time. However, I found, the more you follow it, the faster the weight comes off so it is a balance. We had weekends that we cheated horribly by getting a pizza and others where we didn't cheat at all. We usually stick to the diet during the week.


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